Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Real Life...

Kmaren gw baca di sebuah tabloid, ada seorang ibu yang nanya ama psikolog ttg perselingkuhannya dengan seorang pejabat. Ada satu kalimat dari psikolog tsb yang menarik perhatian gw. Katanya sbb "Mungkin suami cuma tentara rendahan, tak bisa merayu dengan kata-kata mutiara seperti sinetron, biasa-biasa saja dalam ekspresi cinta. Tetapi itulah realita, dan hanya realita yang kita punya, bukan?"

Setujuuuu... Emang cuman realita yang kita punya. Selingkuh? Never cross my mind deh. Toh nikah, pacaran, kerja ato apapun yang kita lakukan dengan kommit kan kita sendiri yang milih. Jadi hadapilah... Kalo nikah ama orang IT yang super sibuk n harus ready 24 jam bahkan di saat libur (hehehe maap ya, Chayank), ya terima aja. Kalo pacaran ama seseorang yang ternyata ga sesuai dengan yang kita mau, ya terima aja. Ato kalo ga mo nerima, tinggalin baik2. Trus kalo kerja dikontrak mlulu, ya terima juga. Maksut gw jgn ngomel2 panjang pendek tp ga berusaha nyari kerja laen, gitu. Itulah realita...

Jadi inget lagu Jovi (Jovi lagi, Jovi lagi :D), 'this is real life, this is real love...', gw tulis aja semuanya sekalian deh...

I wish that life was like it is in the movies
'Cause the hero always gets his way
No matter how hard it gets on that dark lonely road
At the end he´s got a smile on his face

But when they threw me out to the lions
Noone saved me as I fell from your grace
And noone wrote me new lines
For what I said wrong
What I did wrong I could not erase

This is real life
This is real love
This is real pain
That much I'm sure of
These are real tears
These are real fears inside
That I can't hide

I wish that I could be a white knight in armour
With an army just to bring you back home
But I'll admit I'm scared of dialing your number
Someone else is gonna answer the phone
Why can't it be like it is on TV
When the orchestra plays and you come back to me

This is real life
This is real love
This is real pain
That much I'm sure of
These are real tears
These are real fears inside
I can't hide

This is real life
This is real love
These are real wounds I'm bleeding from
And I realize this is real

I always thought that our love
Was a story book tale
God knows that I'd never dream
In the end it could fail

'Cause this is real life
This is real love
This is real pain
That much I'm sure of
These are real tears
These are real fears inside
That I can't hide

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